

September 6, 2002
Version 1.1
AIM: EmperorGestahlX

I. Preface

The purpose of this FAQ is to help those who are trying to take on the 
most limiting challenge of Final Fantasy X yet. It is required that you 
have completed the game once and picked up all Al Bhed Primers 22, 23, 
24, 25, and 26 on another save file that you can access. I'll start off 
by explaining what a NSNSGNC Challenge is. Basically, there are a few 
rules that you never break during this challenge:

1. You do not activate any nodes on the Sphere Grid for anyone. You do 
not use any Sphere Levels on the Sphere Grid for anyone. You use no Key 
Spheres on the Sphere Grid for anyone.

2. You only select the Summon and Grand Summon commands a total of four 
times, when forced to by the story. This is allowed once during the 
tutorial battle in Besaid against the Garuda and three times during the 
story boss battle against three Aeons.

3. You must never customize any armor.

4. You must never customize any weapons. Powering up a Celestial Weapon 
with its Crest/Sigil, however, is legal.

Sound impossible? Pretty close. If you don't pick up some of the items 
I absolutely stress along this guide, you may be forced to downgrade to 
a NSG Challenge, as you absolutely must pick up any items you can get 
your hands on!

Now, I'm assuming that you've completed the game already. You need Al 
Bhed Primers 22-26, putting you near the end of the game, and since 
this is MUCH harder, I recommend you finish up first. Assuming that, 

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