
Final Fantasy X Short Walkthrough
Version 2.00 (8.15.01)
Written By Muni Shinobu (muni_shinobu@yahoo.com)

This is just a short walkthrough, because the game is pretty linear, and
only a short walkthrough is needed.
This is just a very brief walkthrough of where to go and what to do, no
detailed information or secret explanations. Look into other faqs for more
specific information.
Look around on your own to find all the item boxes in the area, I am not
listing them.
Intro muyo, let's get started.


Once you gain control of Tidus, speak to the children and the ladies, then
speak to the ladies again before heading off to the Blitzball tournament.
In the midst of the tournament, Zanarkand is attacked.
After meeting up with Auron, the two of you will head toward the object
known as "Shin", fighting Pieces of Shin along the way.
Very soon you will encounter your first boss.

Boss - Big Piece of Shin Emuzu : HP 2000

After fighting some more Pieces of Shin, the two of you will be completely
surrounded by them. Now stop fighting Shin Pieces and start attacking the
machine hanging off the side of the highway. When the machine is destroyed,
so will Zanarkand.

When you regain control of Tidus in the water, press X to dive deeper and
deeper down to the bottom. You will see a boy. Swim to him to speak to him.
Say good bye to Zanarkand, you won't see it again for a long time.



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Final Fantasy X

Sony Computer Entertainment
Square Enix