
Silent Hill 2 Walkthrough
Version 1.0  by snny592@cs.com


PART 1: Getting To Silent Hill

We kick things off with a cool CG in a crummy old bathroom on the outskirts of
town at the Observation Deck. After the cut scenes, get the map from his car.
There's only one direction to go after this, and that's down the steps to the
dirt path leading us into Silent Hill. After a while of running, you'll find a
well on your right with a save point inside. Use it if you want, but it's not
really needed yet. Afterward, follow through the gates into a cemetery where
you'll meet Angela. After the peculiar conversation with her, continue across
and through some more gates. Follow the road until you reach a gate door. Go
through and follow the road the rest of the way into Silent Hill. We come out
on Sanders St. To the east is a dead end, across the street is a flower shop.
To the east of the flower shop is a table with a first aid kit on it. Snatch
that up and continue west. When you make it to the intersection of Sanders St.
and Lindsey St., you'll see blood streaks heading north up Lindsey St. and
catch a glimpse of something. Before following it, head south and pick up the
health drink on the steps of the building on the west side of the road. You
can't continue west down Sanders yet so go north up Lindsey. The west side of
the road is nothing but houses and it dead-ends at the northern tip too. The
east side has a health drink right in front of a garage door before Vachss Rd.
Before going down that road, go straight across the street and read that weird
monument in the yard of the house. It reads as follows:

Remains of ___Swamp. The ___ers of land surround__ __is monument was originally
swamp, but was later fil__ Fr___ng ago t___s nicknamed Blood Swamp because the
___ers poured the wat__ __sed to wash the ex___ols in here. Perhaps it's fo____
that many pe___m to have s___ ___n the area.

Not sure what it means quite yet, but should keep it mind nonetheless. Now,
down Vachss Rd. stop at the little area on the right. It has a save, and two
health drinks. One is by the table, the other in the grass. You might want to
save this time. Up the trail some more you'll start hearing the all too

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Silent Hill 2

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