

Written by Oliver Kong

E-mail address: kong_oliver@hotmail.com
Table of Contents
1. Updates
2. Disclaimer
3. Game Script
4. Credits
1. Updates

1/10/03: Added the "Updates" section and made some minor corrections in 
the game script.

6/18/03: Added the game dialogues for Hundred Acre Wood event, changed 
the Disclaimer a little and adjusted some dialogues a bit.
2. Disclaimer

This is my first script that I've done for a game that had Final 
Fantasy characters join Disney characters for the first time. I truly 
hope you find this script enjoyable. Just remember that I didn't 
translate the script, I used my VCR to record my game play with the 
dialogues and then I stop after the event dialogues ended. Then I play 
back the cassette from the VCR and upon seeing the dialogues; I put the 
VCR on pause and type those dialogues into my computer. And that is how 
I do my scripts. Oh, one more thing. My grammar is not perfect and if 
you see the narrator's dialogues, it is my style of telling the story 
and events going on and they are the best that how I could describe 
what's going on. Just remember that no one is perfect. That is my 
2. Game Script

We begin this game by watching a movie of the introduction with Sora 
waking up under the water.

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