
All-Star Pro Wrestling - PlayStation 2
Menu Translations
Version 1.0
by xiaNaix

Here are translations for most of the game menus.  If anyone has further
information, please email me at xiaNaix@xiaNaix.com


 1.  Enterances - on/off
 2.  Announce Time Remaining - on/off
 3.  Time Display - on/off
 4.  Commentary Text - on/off
 5.  Flashbulbs - on/off
 6.  Camera Angles - on/off
 7.  Vibration - on/off
 8.  1P Control Type
   a.  Type A - Analog
   b.  Type B - Digital
 9.  2P Control Type
   a.  Type A - Analog
   b.  Type B - Digital
10.  Sound - Stereo/Mono
11.  BGM Volume
12.  SE Volume

1.  Players
  a.  1P vs. COM
  b.  1p vs. 2P
  c.  COM vs. COM
2.  Time Limit (15, 20, 30, 45, 60, 61, None)
3.  Pinfalls to Win (1 or 3)
4.  Arena Selection
5.  Ring Style Selection

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