
Created Sunday January 6, 2002
Version 1.0
Written By: Darksword  (Dark_sword666@hotmail.com)

Towards The Future Online Quest SS Rank Walkthrough

In PSO there has been released, an online quest in which you can earn some
really cool legit weapons.  To earn some of these weapons, you need only to
kill all enemies, and for certain others you must win without dying.  The
ranking system is as follows:

SS rank - 2 ways to earn it, 2 different weapon selections.  Must win
without dying and fulfilling the other requirements (see below)
S rank - Your choice of the following weapons:  Plantain Fan, Drill
Launcher, Flight Fan, and Maser Beam.  Kill all enemies OR not die.
A rank - same as S rank
B rank - dont get jack
C rank - see B rank
D rank - ditto

The remaining weapons are the Yamigarasu, Huge Plantain Fan, Ano Rifle, and
Blue Ring.  For the Yamigarasu (a saber type with Death special, looks like
a purple glass Agito) and the Huge Plantain Fan (looks like errrr, well its
a partisan type and an AWESOME weapon.  HUnewearl and Force only)  you must
complete the first condition SS rank:  Kill 197 enemies and dont die.

The Blue Ring (shield with better evasion that Tripolic shield, and just
plain looks cool) and Ano Rifle (looks like a freaky WW1 Machinegun, very
powerful, awesome legit weapon for all Rangers) you must complete, what is
arguably the most difficult task in PSO: the second condition SS rank.  Kill
no more than 20 enemies and dont die.  The first condition SS is pretty
self-explanatory, but the 20 baddie quest is extremely difficult.  The full
walkthrough is below.

The first SS rank condition is easy: kill everything that moves. There are
also some secret rooms in mines and caves that youll have to enter and
leave, in which case new enemies will appear. I spent over 100 attempts with
my group before we completely deciphered the 20 baddie SS rank. Tried using
mamaks maps and theyre not specific enough to do ANY good. Heres the "Master
List" of enemies to kill.

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