
-<>-(  Phantasy Star Online Section ID FAQ 1.0  )

By: Miyuu

Section 1 - What's A Section ID?
Section 2 - How To Customize your Section ID
Section 3 - Chart of Characters and their Numbers
Section 4 - Thanks

********************************************* Look! Snow!

Section 1: What's a Section ID?

	A Section ID is that symbol you get when you first start the game. Some might
think it's determined only by your VMU, but in fact it's determined by your
character's name. Also, it's rumored that some Section IDs might find
different, better items than others.


Section 2: How To Customize Your Section ID

	Your Section ID can be easily customized by looking at your name. Each letter
or symbol is assigned a number; you add all these up, and the ones digit of the
resulting nunber. For instance:

Miyuu = 7+5+1+7+7 = 27 = 7 = ORAN

The ten section IDs are:


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