
Phantasy Star Online V2 - Today's Rate Walkthrough - Version 1.0
Created By: Jason "Parn" Walton
Created On: 10/24/2001
Updated On: N/A

Disclaimer: This FAQ is meant to be useful, not deceptive.  I do not
            claim to have discovered the true use of this mission, nor
            do I claim that this info is 100% accurate.  Please do
            keep the derogatory comments to yourself if this data
            is not useful to you, or is of something you already know
            about.  This FAQ may be distributed freely, so long as no
            profit is made, and no changes are made to this document.
            Copyright law applies, obviously.

Commentary: First version of the FAQ, I'll probably update it once or
            twice after I explore a few more details, but other than
            that, not much to say.

Questions & Answers

Q: What is Today's Rate?

A: It is an online-only mission listed under "Famitsu Cup" in the
   Hunter's Guild.  This mission is for Phantasy Star Online Version
   2 players only.

Q: What's the point of this mission?

A: Well, for one, it's a very interesting mission to say the very
   least, and it's also the only means of converting a version 2
   monster part into a usable weapon.

Q: I keep hearing people say that you can get %s on monster parts.  Is
   this true?

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