In Fable Anniversary gibt es 50 Erfolge (Achievements) mit insgesamt 1.000 Gamerscore-Punkten. Erfüllt die folgenden Aufgaben und sichert euch die entsprechenden Erfolge bzw. Gamerscore-Punkte:
5Hero, Their Health Is Low
The healing is not as rewarding as the hurting!
5Ass Creed
You were deadly alright; look at the size of that hole in your trousers! Quick, find a haystack!
5I Did This For A Cheevo
Achievement Unlocked; You look ridiculous.
10There Is No Spoon
Mind control is great, but with great power comes responsibility. Or the fun of irresponsibility.
20Combat, Evolved
Spend your new experience wisely, and yes - you're welcome for the top tip.
25Out Of The Frying Pan…
You showed someone how you felt about them... With the underside of a Frying Pan.
10As Quiet As A Whisper
You silenced Whisper in combat, who said chivalry was dead?
10Feed The Troll
Apart from this one time, remember; never, EVER feed the Troll.
10The Summoner's Tail
Because creatures are better when they're fighting for you!
20The Swinging Sword
Now that's what I call a Swinging Sword! Oh, you thought we meant "Singing Sword"?
30You Are A Super Player
You found all the Silver Keys! If you've done this twice since 2004, then you are a super player!
15Fable Heroes
The Bowerstone Teacher loves Fable Heroes, more than 55% of him anyway.
25Education Rules The Nation
The children are literate again, you have made Albion a more intelligent place. For now.
5Get It Off Your Chest
That's one Silver Key Chest down! You're going to go on to open them all now, right?
10Horde Mode
You collected 10 Legendary weapons! Although some might call that, "overcompensating"...
5The Ultimate Warrior
Your Hero looks badass! Why not share an image of them on the Lionhead forums? [wink] [wink].
20That's My Man!
You levelled up a complete abilities tree! Will you now become a real Hero and master all three?
25I Am Legendary
You've gone from a Chicken Chaser to a Legendary Hero. All in a day's work, I guess.
20Are You Not Entertained?!
You completed the Arena without rest, is this not why you were here?
20See The Future
Have you ever seen such smart-glass?! (Nice play on words there, smart-arse).
25From The Smallest Acorn
Your childhood is behind you, next stop: puberty. 5 years of out-of-control hormones awaits you.
25The Graduation
Your student loan has ended, it will be years before you can buy a house, but hey; you've graduated!
25Becoming A Man
You went to Orchard Farm, made some decisions, and will now live by them.
25The Bloodline Part I
You located your sister, but little does she know how relevant she is to the future of Albion.
25Under A Full Moon
You slayed the White Balverine, formally known as Jimmy. Ironic that he was allergic to dogs.
25Gladiator, Ready!
You won the Arena, the highest accolade there is for a Hero! Now, onwards to saving the world!
25A Family Friend
Did you spell a rude word on the stones? It doesn't matter now, the annoying Archaeologist is saved!
25Fishing In A Graveyard
Who goes fishing in graveyards? It seems you do! Nostro is at peace, so go fish somewhere normal.
25The Bloodline Part II
You located your mother, but little does she know how irrelevant she is to the future of Albion.
25There's Always A Lighthouse
With Maze out of the picture, it's time to save your big sister. You know, the powerful one.
50A Wild Jack Appears
You caught up with Jack, and made the toughest choice of all.
25Winter Is Coming
Sailing to the Lost Bay earned 500 miles on your BoatMiles(tm) card, earn 1,000,000 for a free trip!
25Are You Listening To Me?
Who knew that the letters Y, M, C and A would hold so much knowledge. Must be the outfits.
25Making Tough Decisions
Will you hear the words "Hero, your health is low" again? Choices were made, but were they right….
You defeated the Dragon, and cast away Jack's mask into the lava, (or put it on and became him!).
25For Every Choice, An Achievement
Horns or Halo? Your choice of headgear has far reaching consequences.
15But You're A Wizard, Hero
What kind of Hero are you; The Jack of All Trades, or The Master of One?
15That's A Real Lunker!
You got your tackle out, one way or the other.
15Fight Cluck
Punching people or kicking Chickens; it's all considered an achievement in Albion.
15Arthur or Robin?
Whether you chose large biceps, or a hawk's-eye - you chose well.
15Choosing My Religion
Making a sacrifice is never easy. The decisions, the expense. . . the wriggling.
20Open Saysamemiddlefinger
Talking stone doors that give you ridiculous riddles? We've seen it all now!
15Project Ego
The world has seen your ego for what it is, don't let it go to your head.
10What Are Ya Sellin'?
Is that all, stranger? Come back anytime.
10The Hero Of Time
A true Hero is one that can control time. Bonus points if you were wearing a green hat.
20Beauty Or The Beast
Mirror, mirror, on the wall. Who's the (insert choice here) of them all?
10Marital Relations
Marriage - two's company, three's a crowd!
10The Drinking Game
Remember to drink responsibly, and whatever you do: you should not drink and bake.
20Definitely Not On Rails
You've either explored the world of Albion, or you're now the size of the world of Albion.
15Get Rich Or Die Tryin'
Being a landlord is a bit like being the Grim Reaper, so why not combine the two!