Spectra: 8bit Racing Erfolge
In Spectra: 8bit Racing gibt es 27 Erfolge (Achievements) mit insgesamt 1.000 Gamerscore-Punkten. Erfüllt die folgenden Aufgaben und sichert euch die entsprechenden Erfolge bzw. Gamerscore-Punkte:
You have completed track 01.
10Tokyo Skies
You have completed track 02.
10Forged In Stars
You have completed track 03.
10Only Human
You have completed track 04.
10Aurora Borealis
You have completed track 05.
You have completed track 06.
10Beyond The Cosmos
You have completed track 07.
You have completed track 08.
You have completed track 09.
You have completed track 10.
You have completed a track on Hardcore difficulity.
50Just A Scratch
You have completed a track with 100 collisions or more.
50Smooth Sailing
You have completed a track without any collisions.
You have lost a score buffer of more than 3000 points.
You have cashed in a score buffer of more than 3000 points.
30Pedal To The Metal
You managed to get a score multiplier of 15 or more.
You completed a track with 50 successful "Nice!" bonuses.
50It's Over 9000!
You managed to get a score of 9000 or more on one track.
75Not Bad
You have a combined best score of 100 000 or more.
You have collected 10 000 Pickups.
You have completed all tracks on both difficulty settings.
You have looked at your stats.
50Runner Up
You have lost 100 times.
30I Can Fly
You have cashed in an Air bonus while maintaining a Score Multiplier of 10 or more.
50Party Time
You have unlocked all tracks.
50Waka Waka Waka
You have collected 100 or more Pickups whilst maintaining a score buffer.
You have completed all Achievements.
Veröffentlicht: 29.04.2015Aktualisiert: 29.04.2015
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