Mega Coin Squad Erfolge
In Mega Coin Squad gibt es 22 Erfolge (Achievements) mit insgesamt 1.000 Gamerscore-Punkten. Erfüllt die folgenden Aufgaben und sichert euch die entsprechenden Erfolge bzw. Gamerscore-Punkte:
20Gone in 60 Seconds
Complete a single player level in under 60 seconds.
40Gone in 30 Seconds
Complete a single player level in under 30 seconds.
20Blingingly Good
Earn 3 gems in a single player level.
30Gotta Catch 'Em All
Earn all available gems in a single player world.
70Diamonds Are Forever
Complete the single player game and collect all available gems.
20Out of the Shire
Collect the Mega Coin from Green Valley in single player.
30Sankara Coin
Collect the Mega Coin from Desert Plains in single player.
40Fargo's Millions
Collect the Mega Coin from Snow City in single player.
50Out of the Furnace
Collect the Mega Coin from Lava Land in single player.
30Saving for a Rainy Day
Bank a total of 10,000 coins in single player.
70Money Can't Buy Me Love
Bank a total of 50,000 coins in single player.
80Easy Money!
Bank a total of 100,000 coins in single player.
10Die Broke
Die without collecting a single coin in single player.
30I'd Like to Make a Deposit
Bank 1000 coins in a single bank in single player.
50Smashed it with Mike
Complete the single player game with Mike.
50Smashed it with Steph
Complete the single player game with Steph.
50Smashed it with Chunk
Complete the single player game with Chunk.
50Smashed it with Mouth
Complete the single player game with Mouth.
50Smashed it with Data
Complete the single player game with Data.
70Road Runner - Beep Beep!
Complete the single player game within 30 mins.
80Not Today
Complete the single player game without using any continues or retries.
Geheime Erfolge
60Smashed it with Robot Unicorn
Complete the single player game with Robot Unicorn.
Veröffentlicht: 09.05.2015Aktualisiert: 09.05.2015
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