LastFight Erfolge
In LastFight gibt es 44 Erfolge (Achievements) mit insgesamt 1.000 Gamerscore-Punkten. Erfüllt die folgenden Aufgaben und sichert euch die entsprechenden Erfolge bzw. Gamerscore-Punkte:
60Stay off the gear!
Complete Story mode without transforming into a single Death Dealer.
30Done and dusted!
Complete Story mode (with any character).
30Faster than the Flash
Complete Story mode in less than 20 minutes.
15Han's twin
Land the first blow in every first round of each match in Story mode.
Watch all the pins at least once.
30Pro Gamer
Complete 100 games in Versus mode.
30Hands off my Trophy
Win a round and keep hold of the trophy for the whole of the next round.
15Hardcore gamer
Win the right to change the stage 10 times.
15United we stand
Pick your buddy up 3 times in the same game.
15He ain't heavy, he's my brother
Carry your buddy for 5 seconds in a row in the same round.
15Team player
Send your buddy the third anitrans.
15Smokin' tonight!
Complete five 4-player games in a row.
90That belongs in a museum
Collect all the pins in Collection mode.
Win a match with two perfect rounds.
Achieve a play time of 5 hours (not including time in the menus).
30A wolf in sheep's clothing
Choose a random character and stage and then win the match.
30Mind over matter!
Win the game after being one round down and having less than 5% life in the second round.
30Trigger happy
Shoot 50 bullets / torpedoes / missiles.
15Extreme removals
Throw 40 fridges.
Block 200 blows.
15Say my name!
Achieve 20 perfect rounds.
15Bombs away!
Complete 10 matches by throwing an object at your opponent.
15Demolition Man
Destroy all the destructible elements in the game at least once.
15Jack of all trades
Use each object / weapon in the game at least once.
15Karate Kid
Break an object thrown at you.
15Lost and found
Knock out an opponent using only objects.
Hit your opponent by throwing an object from the other side of the room.
15Iron Fist
Win a match without using a single special move or object.
Play in all stages at least once.
15Twelve would be proud
Play with all the characters at least 1 time.
15King of Tokyo
Complete a match with each of the four transformations.
15Drugs are bad!
Take a single anitrans and keep it until the end of the round.
15Winners don't do drugs!
Don't take any anitrans and win the game.
15What was the point?
Transform without doing any damage.
Transform into a Death Dealer 5 times in the same match.
15Serena would be proud
Win five rallies.
15Table tennis tournament
Hit your opponent with an object after a six-shot rally.
15EVO here I come!
Pull off a combo with over 450 damage.
Win a match with a double time-out.
Geheime Erfolge
70You've gotta earn that gold trophy
Beat Tomie Sector without using a "Continue".
30What's up, you broke?
Avoid using a "Continue" when playing the last level.
30The real deal
Unlock Sector.
15A close shave
Press "Continue" between 1 and 0 seconds.
Find the right pin combination.
Veröffentlicht: 20.09.2016Aktualisiert: 20.09.2016
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