In Elite: Dangerous gibt es 174 Erfolge (Achievements) mit insgesamt 2.850 Gamerscore-Punkten. Erfüllt die folgenden Aufgaben und sichert euch die entsprechenden Erfolge bzw. Gamerscore-Punkte:
5Scratching the Surface
Refined 1 tonne of Mineral or Metal.
35A new Ranulph?
Achieved an Explorer Rank of Trailblazer.
Sold 50,000 credits worth of illegal goods.
10Black Market
Sold illegal goods.
Achieved a Combat Rank of Expert.
10Gettin' it done
Completed 5 missions.
5Killer Instinct
Destroyed another ship.
20Splashing Out
Bought a new ship.
35Playing the Markets
Achieved a Trade Rank of Merchant.
25Well Trained
Completed all the tutorials.
10Wing Friends
Formed a full Wing.
10Mining like a champ
Refined 100 tonnes of Minerals and Metals.
15You can run...
Collected 1,000,000 Credits in bounties.
10A Long Road Ahead
Won a CQC match.
Won 50 CQC matches.
35A True Champ
Won 250 CQC matches.
Bought 100,000 units of goods.
10Heavy Lifting
Sold 10,000 units of cargo.
25Rares, I Like Rares
Sold 1,000,000 credits worth of rares.
40Super Market Sweep
Sold at 500 different markets.
15Market Diversity
Sold at 100 different markets.
25Kepler's Eye
First to discover a planet.
25Painite in the Asp
Refined 10 tonnes of Painite.
20Refined Taste
Refined 500 tonnes of Minerals or Metals.
Cashed in combat bonds worth 100,000 credits.
20A Real Team Player
Participated in 10 successful community goals.
5A Jewel in the Night
Sold data on a celestial body.
40Mission Accomplished
Completed 250 missions.
20Mission Complete
Completed 50 missions.
35What Did You Do?
Got a bounty of 100,000 credits.
30Space Lasso
Interdicted 25 ships.
35Pro Player
Achieved a CQC Rank of Professional.
60Ship Hoarder
Owned 20 different ships simultaneously.
30Classic Collection
Owned 10 different ships simultaneously.
35Centre of the Galaxy
Visited Sagittarius A.
35Elite... Dangerous
Destroyed 50 Elite Combat rated ships.
5Pledge Allegiance
Signed up with a power.
Destroyed 500 ships.
50Elite... Dangerous-er
Destroyed 200 Elite Combat rated ships.
10Da Vinci Would be Proud
Created your Commander.
25Too Many Cooks?
Participated in 25 successful community goals.
15I Have a Staff Turnover Issue
Spent 500,000 credits hiring crew members.
50A One Commander Economy
Paid 5,000,000 credits to crew in profit sharing.
10Is it dead yet?
Scanned a Guardians site.
15There She Goes
Launched a fighter 50 times.
15Marvel at the Collector
Collected 250 data loot materials.
30Well Engineered
Customised 50 modules at an Engineer's workshop.
20I've Got Class
Delivered 100 VIP passengers.
5All Join On For Multi-crew
Joined a multi-crew.
5Can I Come and Play?
Had another player join your crew.
10Do I Need to Pay Tax on This?
Earned 25,000 credits while being part of another crew.
5Great kid, don't get cocky
Damaged a ship whilst in the Fire Con role of Multi-Crew.
15Get on Board
Completed 50 passenger missions.
30Ticket To Ride
Completed 150 passenger missions.
Delivered 853 passengers.
50I'm Just Lonely
Interdicted 100 ships.
15Getting The Hang Of It
Made 50 Planetary Landings.
20Full Fat
Destroyed 250 skimmers.
5What's This Then?
Redeemed 10,000 credits of vouchers from data scanning in the SRV.
Redeemed 250,000 credits of vouchers from data scanning in the SRV.
10S H O P P I N G
Bought 25,000 units of goods.
5Popping to the Corner Shop
Travelled 1,000 light years from the start.
20Where Have You Been?
Travelled 25,000 light years from the start.
15There's Dirty Work Afoot
Refined 250 tonnes of minerals or metals.
Geheime Erfolge
Got an Elite Ranking.
5Well Avoided
Escaped an interdiction.
10I Found You!
Cashed in a bounty.
10Working Together
Participated and received a reward in a community goal.
10That's Scooper
Scooped 100 tonnes of fuel.
30Full Ranking
Reached CQC Championship Rank 50.
Spielerweiterung "Title Update" (DLC)
10Silver Arrow
Won 25 CQC matches.
150Triple Elite
Achieved a rank of Elite in Exploration, Combat and Trading.
15Ship Slayer
Destroyed 1,000 ships.
5You're Mine
Interdicted a ship.
Refined 25 tonnes of gold.
10How Very English
Bought 1,000 tonnes of tea.
15Lave is a Rare Thing
Sold 250,000 credits worth of rares.
5Sales Merchant
Sold 1,000 units of cargo.
15Wanted, Dead or Alive
Got a bounty of 25,000 credits.
5On Your Own
Completed a Deathmatch.
5Flag Day
Completed a Capture the Flag match.
Completed a Team Deathmatch.
5Be Prepared
Customized Loadout.
5Better Prepared
Switched Ship mid match.
5Helping Hand
Got an assist.
Won 10 Deathmatches.
Won 25 Deathmatches.
Won 10 Capture the Flag matches.
15Flag Carrier
Won 25 Capture the Flag matches.
10Team Player
Won 10 Team Deathmatches.
Won 25 Team Deathmatches.
Won a Capture the Flag match.
Won a Deathmatch.
5We Win
Won a Team Deathmatch.
Spielerweiterung "Horizons" (DLC)
Won 50 Deathmatches.
Won 50 Capture the Flag matches.
20There is no "I" in Team
Won 50 Team Deathmatches.
50Fortune 500
Completed 500 missions.
5Make it Rain
Cashed in combat bonds worth 50,000 credits.
20But You Can't Hide
Collected 2,500,000 credits in bounties.
10Data Broker
Redeemed 100,000 credits of vouchers from data scanning in the SRV.
Destroyed 100 skimmers.
Destroyed 50 skimmers.
15I Will Drive 500 miles
Drove 500 miles in the SRV.
15and I Will Drive 500 more
Drove 1,000 miles in the SRV.
Scooped a surface resource material in the SRV.
Scooped 10 surface resource materials in the SRV.
15Combine Harvester
Scooped 100 surface resource materials in the SRV.
25Combination Harvester
Scooped 500 surface resource materials in the SRV.
5Amateur Chemist
Synthesized materials 1 time.
10Analytical Chemist
Synthesized materials 25 times.
15Chemical Engineer
Synthesized materials 100 times.
15Social Engineering
Visited an Engineer.
5Home, Sweet Home
Visited Sol.
5Binary Agent
Visited W Ursae Majoris.
20Mod Culture
Customised 10 modules at a mechanic's workship.
10I Could Work in a Supermarket
Scanned 100 data loot collectibles.
5You Made This?
Collected a manufactured loot material.
10Great Workmanship
Collected 5 different manufactured loot materials.
20Exemplary Virtuosity
Collected 25 different manufactured loot materials.
5I'm a Data Miner
Collected a data loot material.
10Pilot Papers
Collected 5 different data loot materials.
20Who Leaked this Data?
Collected 25 different data loot materials.
5Controlled Falling
Spent a total of 5 minutes airborne in the SRV.
5I Believe I Can Touch the Sky
Spent 15 continuous seconds airborne in the SRV.
10Power Saving
Disabled 50 generators.
5This Looks Weird
Scan a barnacle.
Became Allied with 2 minor factions at the same time.
Completed a planet side mission.
15The Secret is to Bang the Rocks Together
Completed 25 planet side missions.
5Any Landing You Walk Away From is a Good One
Landed on a planet.
10On Average, 1 in 26 is a Crash Landing
Made 25 Planetary Landings.
20VTOL Safety Pro
Made 100 Planetary Landings.
Spielerweiterung "Horizons: Guardians" (DLC)
5Come Work For Me
Hired a crew member.
5I Got Bills
Spent 50,000 credits hiring crew members.
10I Don't Pay You to Think
Spent 250,000 credits hiring crew members.
20A Small Loan
Spent 1,000,000 credits hiring crew members.
5I Hope This is Profitable
Paid 100,000 credits to crew in profit sharing.
10Great Crews Make Great Profits
Paid 500,000 credits to crew in profit sharing.
25Maybe I'm Too Generous
Paid 2,000,000 credits to crew in profit sharing.
5Fighter Club
Launched a fighter from your ship.
10Fly My Pretties
Launched a fighter from your ship 10 times.
15Put Your Fighters Up
Launched a fighter from your ship 25 times.
20You do not talk about Fighter Club
Launched a fighter from your ship 100 times.
5My-cool Bay
Fitted a Fighter Launch Bay.
10Hello to All Intelligent Lifeforms
Completed 10 planet side missions.
5You're good, come work for me
Hired an Expert ranked crew member.
5What Do You Mean, They Cut The Power
Disabled 10 generators.
Drove 50 miles in the SRV.
Drove 150 miles in the SRV.
Spielerweiterung "Horizons: Guardians Title Update" (DLC)
10I am the Dawg
Collected 500,000 credits in bounties.
50And You'll Die Tired
Collected 10,000,000 credits in bounties.
15Many Hands
Participated in 5 successful community goals.
5Is this some kind of bust?
Got a bounty of 10,000 credits.
5Listening In
Scanned your first listening station.
15Wire Tapped
Scanned 50 listening stations.
5Come Visit Me
Scanned your first tourist spot.
15Pack Your Camera
Scanned 50 tourist spots.
5Where to M'Lady?
Delivered 5 VIP passengers.
10Driving Miss Daisy
Delivered 25 VIP passengers.
5Delivering Meat Bags
Completed a passenger mission.
10Bus Driver
Completed 25 passenger missions.
25Taxi Driver
Completed 100 passenger missions.
5Back Seat Commander
Delivered 100 passengers.
10Are We There Yet?
Delivered 500 passengers.
30Are You Talking to Me?
Delivered 1,000 passengers.
15Basic Collection
Owned 5 different ships simultaneously.
5Same Day Delivery
Transferred a ship to your current location.
Bought 50,000 units of goods.
5Cornering the Market
Sold at 50 different markets.
25Career Criminal
Sold 250,000 credits worth of illegal goods.
10Market Mogul
Sold at 200 different markets.
Geheime Erfolge
20Scooper Hero
Scooped 250 tonnes of fuel.
15Is there anybody out there?
Visited Colonia.