Destiny - Grimoire-Karten der Kategorie: Aktivitäten / Strikes
Grimoire-Karten / Aktivitäten / Strikes

Strikes - Einleitung (Strikes Introduction)
"There are threats that must be faced with unfettered aggression. Are you ready?" - Commander Zavala
Our enemies hide among our lost worlds, plotting to ensure our extinction. But the Vanguard keeps a vigilant watch on places where the creatures of the Darkness grow strongest, and seeks Guardians bold enough to join forces to face them.
Bonus: Activity Reward Bonus
Beim Abschließen eines beliebigen Strikes könnt ihr nun Umhänge, Zeichen sowie Reifen erhalten.
- Rang 1: 50 Completions
- Rang 2: 100 Completions
- Rang 3: 250 Completions
Staubpalast (Dust Palace)
"The Dust Palace is lost to us again. Back in Cabal hands. Word is they've let Psion Flayers out of their cages, to dig around in the Central AI's Cortex. Which means they really want what's buried in there. If Rasputin was protecting it, it's valuable. We've got to flush those Flayers out." - Cayde-6

Beschwörungsgruben (The Summoning Pits)
"Something dark stirs in the depths of the Hellmouth. We can feel it. A Hive abomination bred for unthinkable evil. We must pierce the veil of their Summoning Pits and destroy this creature...before the Hive unleash it upon us all." - Ikora Rey

Der Nexus (The Nexus)
"Far below the Ishtar Academy, the Vex have set something in motion, a world-eating machine transforming Venus into another link in their intergalactic chain. This Nexus must be stopped and the Mind that controls it, destroyed." - Ikora Rey

Die Höhle der Teufel (Devils' Lair)
"The Fallen will continue to claw at the walls of our City, unless we strike them down. Beneath the ruins of the Cosmodrome, in the shadow of an old colony ship, we've located the House of Devils' Lair - and the High Servitor feeding them their strength. We must destroy this machine god...and send their souls screaming back to hell." - Commander Zavala

Zerberus Vae III (Cerberus Vae III)
"Whether we wanted it or not, we've stepped into a war with the Cabal on Mars. So let's get to taking out their command, one by one. Valus Ta'aurc. From what I can gather he commands the Siege Dancers from an Imperial Land Tank outside of Rubicon. He's well protected, but with the right team, we can punch through those defenses, take this beast out, and break their grip on Freehold." - Commander Zavala

Wintersturm (Winter's Run)
"Those Fallen in the Ishtar Sink on Venus...story is they raided the Prison of Elders in the Reef. Got an Archon Priest. The Queen's bounty is high so we know it's powerful. We need to hunt this thing down before they fully restore its soul." - Cayde-6
Wöchentliche Strike-Herausforderungs-Einleitung (Weekly Strike Challenges Introduction)
Our enemies thrive among the Darkness, and where it gathers the Light will face great challenges. Expect to face the enemy's elite under shifting, dangerous conditions.
Veröffentlicht: 30.11.2014
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