Cabela's African Adventures Erfolge
In Cabela's African Adventures gibt es 33 Erfolge (Achievements) mit insgesamt 1.000 Gamerscore-Punkten. Erfüllt die folgenden Aufgaben und sichert euch die entsprechenden Erfolge bzw. Gamerscore-Punkte:
Have 100% completion in all regions.
Unlocked all upgrades for all firearms.
50Dangerous 7
Hunted the Dangerous 7 (Leopard, Lion, Rhino, Elephant, Buffalo, Crocodile, Hippo) in Story Mode.
50No Scratch
Completed one region without dying.
50King's Statue
Gathered all the pieces of the statue.
50Controlled Fire
Finished a Shooting Gallery Map without downing animals with the wrong firearm.
50In Mid Air
Took down 15 predators as they jumped on you in Story Mode.
50Random Encounters
Took down 20 Hyena groups during the game in Story Mode.
50No More Darkness
Explored one region to remove all the fog covering the map.
Unlocked all rifles and shotguns.
30Justice Keeper
Took down 5 Hyenas that were chasing herbivores in Story Mode.
30Efficiency to the Max
Took down all the animals between 2 gates in a Shooting Gallery Map.
30Not a Single Leaf Moved
Completed at least 10 hunts without being detected.
30Leg Grabber
Took down 5 animals after they grabbed your leg.
30The Wrong Order
Took down 10 animals called by the same animal in Story Mode.
30Real Mix
Took down 4 animals from different species in a row in a Shooting Gallery Map.
30Something to See
Visited all the Vista Points in one region.
30Africa's Big Boys
Hunted the Big 5 (Leopard, Lion, Rhino, Elephant, Buffalo) in Story Mode.
30Fast Hands
While shooting from the hip, took down 20 animals.
30Feline Grace
Completed at least 5 hunts without being detected.
30Full Options
Unlocked all the abilities.
30Lucky Guess
Gathered at least 20 fossils.
30The Perfect Match
Created 4 unique ability combinations and used them in hunts and/or combats.
30No One Leaves the Room
Took down 10 scared Hyenas in Story Mode.
10Dancing in the Ring
Dodged at least one Lion, Leopard, and Cheetah during Story Mode.
10Dodge This!
Dodged an Elephant, Hippo, Rhino and Buffalo at least once during Story Mode.
10My Style
Created your first deck of 3 abilities.
10Back-up Firearm
Completed a hunt against a dangerous animal species using only a shotgun.
10Time is Standing Still
Took down 5 animals while in Adrenaline Mode in Story Mode.
10One is Enough
Took down 5 Hyenas in a combat using a single shot for each one in Story Mode.
10Show Off
Made all the animals in a stealth hunt cautious.
5Fast Approach
Rolled 5 times without being detected in a stealth hunt.
5African Hunter
Took down one animal in Story Mode.
Veröffentlicht: 17.03.2015Aktualisiert: 17.03.2015
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