Super Blast Deluxe Trophäen
In Super Blast Deluxe könnt ihr 27 Trophäen (Trophies) freischalten. Die folgende Liste zeigt euch alle Trophäen und die Bedingungen zum Freischalten auf einen Blick.

Alpha & Omega
Get every trophy in the game.

Concretely Urban
You cleared the Big Apple, training barrels are off, Blast High!

Fully completed all the secrets in the city levels.

If an Imp blasts in the forest
You cleared the Forest, Reconnected with your roots, but this is just getting started.

Force of Nature
Fully completed all the secrets in the Forest levels.

Special Snowflake
You traversed through the winter storm and your flame survived the gusts, but the real Super Blast Deluxe stars here.

Cold never bothered me anyway
Fully completed all the secrets in the Arctic levels.

The note reads: Huge Success
Cleared the Test Chambers, skillfully proved that the test subject is impervious to deviously designed anti-imp devices.

I know Kung-Fu
Fully completed all the secrets in the Cyberspace levels.

The Machinist
You cleared the Clock tower, the gears and mechanisms hold no secrets for you.

A Clockwork Lemon
Fully completed all the secrets in the Clockwork Levels.

My way or the Highway
You have cleared the Liberty Imp levels, and you showed everyone what you're made of.

You'll make it Anywhere
Fully completed all the secrets in the Liberty Imp levels.

Look ma! no hands!
Finish the level "If you can make it there" in "The Liberty Imp" world without using any skills.

Finish Level 6.10 without dying.

Endlessly enthusiastic
Clear 5 sections in [ENDLESS] mode.

I'm getting a hang of this
Clear 10 sections in [ENDLESS] mode.

I could do this all day
Clear 20 sections in [ENDLESS] mode.
Geheime Trophäen

Iron Man
Cleared and collected every Star and Golden Chili in each world.

Unlocked every Skill slot.

We're in this together now
Unlocked a friend to help you celebrate.

This is what I call a party
Unlock every playable character.

Even more special
level up a skill.

One track mind
Max out a skill.

A gentleman and a scholar
Max out every skill.

Flippin Mental
Perform every aerial trick.

No more walls between us.
Open every gate in the overworld.
Veröffentlicht: 14.02.2016Aktualisiert: 14.02.2016
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