EA Sports UFC 3 Trophäen
In EA Sports UFC 3 könnt ihr 33 Trophäen (Trophies) freischalten. Die folgende Liste zeigt euch alle Trophäen und die Bedingungen zum Freischalten auf einen Blick.

UFC 67: All or Nothing
Schalte alle anderen Trophäen in EA SPORTS™ UFC® 3 frei.

UFC 1: The Beginning
Schließe das UFC 3-Intro ab.

UFC 80: Rapid Fire
Lande eine 4-Treffer-Kombo. (Nur Online-Multiplayer).

UFC 35: Throwdown
Beende den Kampf mit einer Submission. (Nur Online-Multiplayer).

UFC 101: Declaration
Löse max. 10 Sek. nach deiner Provokation einen gegn. angesch. Zustand aus. (Nur Online-Multiplayer).

UFC 46: Supernatural
Weiche durch Pendelbewegungen mind. 6 Strikes in 20 Sekunden aus. (Nur Online-Multiplayer).

UFC 99: The Comeback
Überstehe mind. 2 angeschlagene Zustände und gewinne dann den Kampf. (Nur Online-Multiplayer).

UFC 56: Full Force
Gewinne einen Online-Multiplayer-Kampf in Runde 1.

UFC 64: Unstoppable
Schließe an einem Tag all deine Tages-Ziele in UFC Ultimate Team ab.

UFC 31: Locked and Loaded
Fülle sämtliche Felder eines deiner UFC Ultimate Team-Kämpfer.

UFC 73: Stacked
Hol dir dein erstes UFC Ultimate Team-Goldobjekt.

UFC 87: Seek and Destroy
Schließe alle Challenges einer Solo-Challenge-Gruppe in UFC Ultimate Team ab.

UFC 39: The Warriors Return
Schließe alle Sets eines UFC Ultimate Team-Programms ab.

UFC 68: The Uprising
Erhalte in UFC Ultimate Team deinen gelben Gürtel. (Level 50).

UFC 45: Revolution
Erhalte in UFC Ultimate Team deinen orangen Gürtel. (Level 100).

UFC 109: Relentless
Erhalte in UFC Ultimate Team deinen grünen Gürtel. (Level 150).

UFC 2: No Way Out
Besiege einen KI-Kämpfer (Gegnerischer Schaden: Maximal; eigener Schaden: Standard).

UFC 10: The Tournament
Gewinne in einem 16-Kämpfer-Turnier 4 Kämpfe mit demselben Kämpfer.

UFC 65: Bad Intentions
Meistere alle Skill-Challenges (beliebiger Schwierigkeitsgrad).
Geheime Trophäen

UFC 3: The American Dream
Unterzeichne in deiner Karriere einen Rookie-Vertrag.

UFC 11: The Proving Ground
Unterzeichne in deiner Karriere einen Talent-Vertrag.

UFC 88: Breakthrough
Unterzeichne in deiner Karriere einen Herausforderer-Vertrag.

UFC 22: Only One Can Be Champion
Unterzeichne in deiner Karriere einen Superstar-Vertrag.

UFC 13: The Ultimate Force
Unterzeichne in deiner Karriere einen Legende-Vertrag.

UFC 44: Undisputed
Werde in deiner Karriere zum Greatest Of All Time.

UFC 82: Pride of a Champion
Unterzeichne in deiner Karriere einen Superstar-Vertrag (Schwierigkeitsgrad: Legende).

UFC 61: Bitter Rivals
Besiege in deiner Karriere einen Rivalen.

UFC 12: Judgement Day
Gewinne in deiner Karriere auf der Maincard eines Pay-per-View-Events.

UFC 78: Validation
Verteidige in deiner Karriere erfolgreich deinen Titel.

UFC 47: It's On!
Antworte in deiner Karriere auf eine Social-Media-Nachricht.

UFC 34: High Voltage
Löse in deiner Karriere einen Social-Media-Trend aus.

UFC 54: Boiling Point
Erreiche in deiner Karriere einen sehr hohen Kampf-Hype (beliebiger Kampf).

UFC 74: Respect
Hol dir in deiner Karriere einen Performance-des-Abends-Bonus.
EA Sports UFC 3 Trophies
In EA Sports UFC 3 könnt ihr 33 Trophäen (Trophies) freischalten. Die folgende Liste zeigt euch alle Trophäen und die Bedingungen zum Freischalten auf einen Blick.

UFC 67: All or Nothing
Unlock all other trophies in EA SPORTS™UFC®3.

UFC 1: The Beginning
Complete the UFC 3 Introduction.

UFC 80: Rapid Fire
Land a four-hit combination. (online multiplayer only).

UFC 35: Throwdown
Finish the fight with a submission. (online multiplayer only).

UFC 101: Declaration
Trigger a health event on the opponent within 10 seconds of your taunt. (only unlockable in online multiplayer).

UFC 46: Supernatural
Sway to avoid at least 6 strikes in 20 seconds. (only unlockable in online multiplayer).

UFC 99: The Comeback
Survive at least two health events before winning the fight. (only unlockable in online multiplayer).

UFC 56: Full Force
Win in the first round of an online multiplayer match.

UFC 64: Unstoppable
Complete all your daily objectives in UFC Ultimate Team in one day.

UFC 31: Locked and Loaded
Every slot on one of your UFC Ultimate Team fighters has been filled.

UFC 73: Stacked
Acquire your first Gold tier UFC Ultimate Team Item.

UFC 87: Seek and Destroy
Complete all Challenges in a UFC Ultimate Team Solo Challenge Group.

UFC 39: The Warriors Return
Complete all Sets in a single UFC Ultimate Team Program.

UFC 68: The Uprising
Earn your yellow belt in UFC Ultimate Team. (level 50).

UFC 45: Revolution
Earn your orange belt in UFC Ultimate Team. (level 100).

UFC 109: Relentless
Earn your green belt in UFC Ultimate Team. (level 150).

UFC 2: No Way Out
Win against a CPU controlled fighter who is set to maximum damage, with your own set to default.

UFC 10: The Tournament
Win four fights with the same fighter in a 16-fighter Grand Prix tournament.

UFC 65: Bad Intentions
Pass all Skill Challenges on any difficulty.
Geheime Trophäen

UFC 3: The American Dream
Sign a Rookie Contract during your Career.

UFC 11: The Proving Ground
Sign a Prospect Contract during your Career.

UFC 88: Breakthrough
Sign a Contender Contract during your Career.

UFC 22: Only One Can be Champion
Sign a Superstar Contract during your Career.

UFC 13: The Ultimate Force
Sign a Legend Contract during your Career.

UFC 44: Undisputed
Become the Greatest Of All Time during your Career.

UFC 82: Pride of a Champion
Sign a Superstar Contract on Legendary difficulty during your Career.

UFC 61: Bitter Rivals
Defeat a rival during your Career.

UFC 12: Judgement Day
Win on the main card of a Pay-Per-View during your Career.

UFC 78: Validation
Successfully defend your title during your Career.

UFC 47: It's On!
Respond to a social media message during your Career.

UFC 34: High Voltage
Start trending on social media during your Career.

UFC 54: Boiling Point
Get very high hype for any fight during your Career.

UFC 74: Respect
Win a performance of the night bonus during your Career.
Veröffentlicht: 18.01.2018Aktualisiert: 18.01.2018
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