Warlords HD Trophäen
In diesem Spiel könnt ihr euch 12 Trophäen verdienen. Erfüllt die folgenden Aufgaben und sichert euch die entsprechenden Trophäen:

Warlords Fever
Win 103 matches.

Destroy 50 wall segments using only fireballs.

Fish In A Barrel
Destroy 50 troops using only fireballs.

Control Freak
Own all powerup pads in a 4 player game at the same time.

Siege Engine
Destroy 50 wall segments using only troops.

Master Mason
Repair 50 wall segments back to full health.

Savior Of Ataria
Complete the single player campaign.

Power Is Everything
Obtain 50 powerups.

Defender Of The Weak
Banish the Black Knight 50 times.

Divine Intervention
Get the White Knight Shield 50 times.

An Eye For An Eye
Destroy 50 troops using only your troops.

Just Barely
Win a game with no wall segments left.
Veröffentlicht: 25.10.2012Aktualisiert: 25.10.2012
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