Skylanders: Giants Trophies
In diesem Spiel könnt ihr euch 46 Trophäen verdienen. Erfüllt die folgenden Aufgaben und sichert euch die entsprechenden Trophäen:

NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Earn all other Trophies.

Rumbletown Ranger
Complete Chapter 3.

Skystones Superstar
Complete Chapter 4.

Glacier Great
Complete Chapter 5.

Vault Victor
Complete Chapter 6.

Security Breacher
Complete Chapter 8.

King of the Castle
Complete Chapter 9.

Sky Survivor
Complete Chapter 10.

Drill-X Defeator
Complete Chapter 11.

Molekin Liberator
Complete Chapter 12.

Trial Taker
Complete Chapter 13.

Copter Captain
Complete Chapter 14.

Hut Wrecker
Chapter 12 - Destroy 3 enemy huts with boulders Giants can lift.

Arkus Adventurer
Complete Chapter 15.

Savior of Skylands!
Complete the Story Mode by recovering the Iron Fist of Arkus and defeating Kaos on any difficulty.

Nightmare Avenger
Complete the Story Mode on Nightmare difficulty.

Earn 3 Stars on any Adventure Level.

Elemental Explorer
Unlock your first Elemental area.

A New Hero
Complete 1 Heroic Challenge.

1 and 0
Complete your first arena challenge.

Great Gladiator!
Complete all 21 Arena Challenges.

Wilikin Winner
Complete Chapter 7.

Elemental Enthusiast
Chapter 1 - Open all the Elemental areas.

Chain Champ
Chapter 2 - Complete the Chain Pull Feat of Strength.

Log Lifter
Chapter 3 - Complete the Log Lift Feat of Strength.

Skystone Sampler
Chapter 4 - Collect all of the Skystones.

Snowman Slammer
Chapter 5 - Destroy 7 snowmen.

Autogyro Pyrotechnician
Chapter 6 - Destroy all the Arkeyan Autogyros.

Talker in a Strange Land
Chapter 7 - Talk to all of the Wilikins.

Cannon Confounder
Chapter 8 - Complete the level without getting directly hit by a cannon.

Kaos Buster
Chapter 9 - Destroy 10 Kaos Bust Statues.

Mine Menace
Chapter 10 - Shoot down 10 mines.

Pipe Petard
Chapter 11 - Damage Drill-X by throwing a pipe at him.

Column Crusher
Chapter 13 - Destroy all the columns in the second trial.

Pedal to the Metal
Chapter 14 - Collect all 16 speed boosts in "The Long Haul" section.

Freebot Isn't Free
Chapter 15 - Defeat Freebot in a game of Skystones.

Keepin' Cool
Chapter 16 - Complete the chapter without taking damage from fire traps.

Skystones Strategist
SkyStones - Capture 2 stones with 1 single stone.

Clean Jersey

Soul Surfer
Collect soul gems for Tree Rex and Jet-Vac.

Seeker Adept
Collect 10 Legendary Ship Parts.

Hint Scholar
Collect 10 Story Scrolls.

Collect 10 Hats.

To the Max
Level up any Skylander to level 15.

Upgrade Uniter
Purchase all upgrades for any one Skylander.

Spend That Loot!
Amass 65,000 Treasure with any one Skylander.
Veröffentlicht: 19.10.2012Aktualisiert: 19.10.2012
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