In diesem Spiel könnt ihr euch 51 Trophäen verdienen. Erfüllt die folgenden Aufgaben und sichert euch die entsprechenden Trophäen:

Master of the Secret Arts
Obtained all trophies.

Falcon Dive
Successfully mastered the Falcon Dive technique.

Successfully mastered the Sliding technique.

Flying Bird Flip
Successfully mastered the Flying Bird Flip technique.

Kunai Climb
Successfully mastered the Kunai Climb technique.

Wall Run
Successfully mastered the Wall Run technique.

Izuna Drop
Successfully mastered the Izuna Drop technique.

Obliteration Technique
Successfully mastered the Obliteration Technique.

Ultimate Technique
Successfully mastered an Ultimate Technique.

Ninpo Master
Successfully mastered a Ninpo spell.

Steel on Bone
Successfully mastered the Steel on Bone technique.

Bloody Rage
Reached the maximum karma multiplier during Bloody Rage.

Feat of a Hundred Slashes
Achieved a 100-hit combo.

Katana Master
Defeated 1,000 enemies with the Katana.

Dual Sword Master
Defeated 1,000 enemies with Dual Swords.

Falcon's Talons Master
Defeated 1,000 enemies with the Falcon's Talons.

Lunar Staff Master
Defeated 1,000 enemies with the Lunar Staff.

Kusari-gama Master
Defeated 1,000 enemies with the Kusari-gama.

Eclipse Scythe Master
Defeated 1,000 enemies with the Eclipse Scythe.

Fuma Kodachi Master
Defeated 1,000 enemies with the Fuma Kodachi.

Heavenly Dragon Master
Defeated 1,000 enemies with the Heavenly Dragon.

Shrouded Moon Master
Defeated 1000 enemies with the Shrouded Moon.

Crystal Skull
Cleared all Tests of Valor.

Golden Scarab
Obtained all Golden Scarabs.

Cleared all chapters with Ayane, Momiji, and Kasumi.

You Got Skills
Unlocked all Ninja Skills for Hayabusa, Ayane, Momiji, Kasumi, and Unknown Ninja.

Dark Savior
Saved an ally.

I Got Your Back
Completed a Co-op Ninja Trial.

Played a Clan Battle.

Won a Clan Battle.
Geheime Trophäen

Steel on Steel
Destroyed the Spider Tank.

The Grip of Murder
Finished Day 1.

Bumpy Ride
Finished Day 2.

Finished Day 2 - Ayane.

Antediluvian Slumber
Finished Day 3.

The Great Escape
Finished Day 4.

The Karma of a Shinobi
Finished Day 5.

Finished Day 6.

On Your Own
Finished Day 6 - Ayane.

Advent of the Goddess
Finished Day 7.

Cleared the game on Normal difficulty.

Cleared the game on Hard difficulty.

Master Ninja
Cleared the game on Master Ninja difficulty.

Ultimate Ninja
Cleared the game on Ultimate Ninja difficulty.

Hayabusa Style Grand Master
Reached Level 50.

Lone Ninja
Cleared 10 Solo Trials.

Cleared 10 Acolyte Trials.

Cleared 10 Mentor Trials.

Cleared 5 Leader Trials.

Cleared 5 Master Ninja Trials.

Cleared 3 Ultimate Ninja Trials.