Destiny - Grimoire-Karten der Kategorie: Alliierte / Die fremde Exo
Grimoire-Karten / Alliierte / Die fremde Exo

Die fremde Exo (The Exo Stranger)
Stories of an Exo who walks in the Darkness without a Ghost have long haunted the Tower. Legends say this anomaly dissolves in and out of the world, intangible and elusive, as if she is a visitor from somewhere beyond.
Some believe she's the last of an ancient Exo squadron, fighting a long-forgotten war. Others dismiss her as a hallucination caused by exposure to Vex technology. But there are those who maintain that her intervention saved their lives - or averted unspeakable catastrophes.

Geist-Fragment: Die fremde Exo
I stand here now and now and now many times, this view, this ground...
This is where I always choose to stand. I put my feet where I put my feet before and where I will again and I look at the sky.
Great things moving, rendered small with distance, lesser things not moving, watching me.
I always stand here, resolute. Then fall back to that point, there, where everything shatters...
(The sky isn't special here, certainly no better than any other sky, but it's the view I know best.)
The silent avalanche begins. Rock and dust. Falling chaos. Machines, as a rule, hate chaos.
Our enemies outflank us from below, above, left, right, before, beyond. The Traveler - shattering.
There are always the dead. Their names shift.
Sometimes I think I see myself among the dead.
But I am resolute.
Veröffentlicht: 02.10.2014
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