
TimeSplitters 2 Atom Smasher (Hard) guide

Written by InzomniaPSU
Email - inzomniaPSU@yahoo.com

---------------------------Table of Contents---------------------------
1. Basic Info
2. That Tough?
3. General Pointers
4. The Guide
     -First Bomb
     -Second Bomb
     -Third Bomb
     -Fourth Bomb
     -Fifth Bomb
        *Method #1
        *Method #2
5. Legal Mumbo-Jumbo
6. Version History

---------------------------Basic Info---------------------------

Before you start reading about what could quite possibly become one of the most
aggravating experiences of your entire life, there are a few things that should
be stated from the get-go.

First, I have the GameCube version of the game.  I honestly don't think this
will matter since all of the games are roughly the same on each system. 
Regardless, I just wanted to throw that out there.

Second, I'm assuming you have a good idea of what the level looks like and how
it is structured architecturally and objectively.  If you aren't familiar with
Atom Smasher at all then I suggest making a few runs through it on a lower
difficulty setting so you won't be in the dark when I start describing certain

Third, have something nearby to punch and/or kick to minimize the destruction
you will cause to yourself and to your immediate surroundings after making

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