
                         The Evil Summoner FAQ v1.0
                          "How to Be a Cheap Ass" 
                    By Mochan 
                             created May 28, 2001
                          last modified May 28, 2001

cheap adj(1509) 1: at minimum expense  
                2: gained with little effort
                3: obtainable at a low rate of interest
                4: STINGY
ass (bef. 12c)  1: any of several hardy gregarious mammals (genus Equus)
                   that are smaller than the horse and have long ears
                2: a stupid, obstinate, or perverse person
This FAQ was written with the PC version of the game. Any discrepancies with 
the PS2 should be excused. Best read with a 79-width text viewer with a 
fixed-size font. This FAQ has no spoilers in the tactical section 
(How to Be a Cheap Ass) but it does have spoilers in the omake section
at the end.

This FAQ will likely not be updated because I am lazy. Besides, this 
particular FAQ isn't something I want to spend too much effort on. 

I have included my e-mail address in the header up there. If you want to 
write me anything be sure to include this tag in the subject: 


Actually, though, I'd prefer if you don't write me anything because
I'm betting I won't like whatever you'll have to say. ^____^

                              TABLE OF CONTENTS


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