
Star Wars: Starfighter FAQ
Ver: 1.0
By: Vahe Oughourlian aka Jedcred
Email: Jedcred@saber.net

This is a FAQ for Star Wars: Starfighter for the Playstation 2(tm) from 
the wonderful people at Lucasarts. Star Wars, Star Wars: Starfighter, 
etc. are all registered trademarks of Lucasarts Ltd. Playstation 2 is a 
registered trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment of America.

1. History/Updates
2. Story
3. Gameplay/ Controls
4. Walkthrough
5. Gameplay tips
6. Conclusion

1) History/ Updates
2/21/01 - This is the first version of the Star Wars: Starfighter FAQ! 
It is also my first foray into the world of FAQ writing!

2) Story
Introduction: (straight from the manual)
 The life of a starfighter pilot can be lonely. Strapped into your 
starship, the outside world is reduced to nothing but a crackling voice 
in your helmet. The laser blasts that zoom by during the heat of battle 
serve as a reminder that each time you take off from the hanger, you're 
not sure if you'll be coming back home.
 Now, a ragtag group of three pilots wants to save Naboo and the galaxy 
from the oppressive schemes of the Trade Federation. The only question 

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