
Ring of Red AFW/Troop Formation and Strategy FAQ
Version 1.0
By Lee Seng Wai, Singapore, 1st Sep 2001


1. Introduction
2. AFW & Max Attack Descriptions
3. Soldiers Descriptions
4. Soldier Skill Descriptions
5. General Playing tips
6. Recommended Formations and Strategies
7. Spoiler Type Strategies
8. Conclusion
9. Games of similar genre

1. Introduction
This FAQ is not an in-depth FAQ about the missions in the game. It is just a
general guide of how to use your ground troops efficiently, and place your AFWs
in a formation such that enemies are easily taken care of. General tips for the
game are also provided.

This FAQ is written one day after I completed the game, which took me a
colossal 50+ hours.  It is too bad for me that I only finally perfected my
strategy on the final battle.

Finally, there's the copyright stuff. I'm quite a generous (and evidently not
so humble) person, so I do not mind if the FAQ is distributed around, as long
as due credited is given to the author (me).

2. AFW & Max Attack Description

There are five type of AFWs:

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