
Red Faction 2 Bonus Objectives Guide:

May 23, 2003
by Alan Chan (joylock@hotmail.com)

The Usual:
This document is mine. Please don't rip it off or take credit for it. That
being said, feel free to post it on any site you want, provided you a) don't
make any changes to it, or b) charge money for it. You don't even have to get
my permission to post it (as long as it remains unaltered), but it would be
nice if you emailed me and let me know (joylock@hotmail.com).

Since no one else has written a bonus objective FAQ, I decided to do so. I'm
90% sure I've gotten all the bonus objectives, but I don't guarantee it 100%.

I only cover the optional bonus objectives. In the second half of the game
you'll gain heroics points for achieving regular objectives, but since they're
part of the regular gameplay and impossible to miss I haven't listed them.

Mission 1: In Foreign Lands

Complex Exterior: No Bonus Objectives

Containment Facility:
1) Reset the automated turret
Difficulty: Easy
How to Get It: Instead of destroying the turret guarding the elevator in the
Nano-Cell chamber, get behind it to throw a switch that reprograms it to attack
your enemies.
Tips: Use your NICW's grenades to blow a hole in the wall (do this far away
from the turret, if you accidentally destroy it you won't be able to achieve
this objective). Walk through the hole to get to the corridor behind the

Mission 2: Public Information Building

Lobby Level:
1) Exit the booth via a Geo-Mod hole

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