
The Man In Black Mini Game FAQ For Onimusha 2: Samurai's Destiny (PS2 Game)
Version 1.00
Created on 10/15/2002
Written by Victor Chou
email: chouvictor@yahoo.com

I.   Introduction
II.  Walkthrough
III. 20 Films List
IV.  Closing

I.   Introduction
The purpose of this mini game is to collect the films scattered around 
places and run into the yellow light at the very end of this game within 
5 minutes.  After you beat this mini game you can view the films that 
you collected.  There are 20 films you can collect and they are the 
same as the game CG except Jubei wears a black suit, hat and sunglass. 

Jubei's only weapon is a sponge stick which does no damage to the enemies. 
The best thing to do is to knock down the enemies (press up and attack 
button) and run pass them.  You should also use block against enemies' 
blockable attacks.  There are 1 herb and 2 medicines you can collect 
from treasure chests to heal Jubei.

The films will flash periodically so it shouldn't be too hard to see. 
Most films are on the ground except film 12 which is inside a wall where 
a Nobunaga's Statue is used to be.

The films that you collected can only be viewed if you finish this mini 
game by walking into the yellow light at the very end and press X button 
and saved the game.


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Onimusha 2 - Samurai's Destiny

Electronic Arts
Action Adventure