
Madden NFL 2002 Defensive Specialist FAQ
Version 2.0
written by: Jeremy Watson
Web Version: in progress

A small note about this FAQ, this faq will concentrate on strategies only 
and then extras will be added later. If there is anything I might have left 
out or you as the reader wants added...

E-mail me at jeremy_w24@yahoo.com

How to read this FAQ:
+++ If you want to design your own strategies, read only the tips...
*** Need strategy help? Read about the formations...
||| Need specific play help? Read about the plays...
### Want the ultimate team? Read the trade/sign/draft info...

Defensive Tips

I'll start with defense since it is obviously the key to becoming a madden 
expert. One of the best things about madden is its ability to allow situation 
specific substitutions and save these settings for later use. This feature 
allows maximum customization of your roster to shutdown that week's opponent. 
However, depending on the rules (human tournaments) you might not be able to 
do any of this, so I'll provide some other tips to help.

++++++++++++++++++++ Tip #1 - Situational Substitutions +++++++++++++++++++++
Know your players! Your typical 4-3 is not meant to cover 4-5 WR sets. Also 
your starting LB may not be your best cover LB. Try using your fastest LB in 
the Dime defense while putting the best tackler in the 4-3. Why have a 
run-stop defensive lineman in on the Nickel or Dime defense? Granted your 
starting DT might be better overall, but when it comes to pass-rush, he just 
doesn't cut it. Remember what you need when drafting and picking up 
free-agents in franchise mode. Just because a player is better overall does 
not mean they fit your defense.

Another benefit of substitutions is that your players will be fresh for those 

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Madden NFL 2002

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