
                 ----      J A K  A N D  D A X T E R      ----

                      The Guide to Hard-to-Get Power Cells 
                                By AdrenalineSL
                        E-mail: toiletrabbit@hotmail.com
                     Version 1.2: Released October 15, 2002           

You again?! That's right! Me! Again! Here with  this newly conceived FAQ. And
here, I am going to reiterate the first half of the intro from my Scout Fly 
Locations Guide: I haven't seen a platformer this powerful since that fluffy,
hip bear and his loud, smack-talking bird. I'm talking about Banjo-Kazooie, 
you Sony fanboys. The entire concept of Jak and Daxter feels as though it 
were the brainchild of Shigeru Miyamoto. The game is an immense adventure 
that combines key gameplay elements from Super Mario 64 and Zelda 64 (maybe a
little of Banjo-Kazooie, too). The basic premise of it may seem stupid, as 
there is no fire-breathing dragon to slay or a damsel to rescue. Instead, 
your worldwide quest begins as you break a few rules to visit a forbidden 
island and then accidentally knock your buddy into a murky pool of Dark Eco,
thus turning him into a weasel-like creature. 

While it's a FUN-tastic game, Jak and Daxter is by no means a difficult game!
However, I quickly changed my opinion after browsing through the J&D message
boards. It was then and there that I decided that people need a FAQ that 
covers the most hard-to-get Power Cells in the game--this FAQ! There are 
actually a few Power Cells that require you to spend more than one whole 
minute to get! And this document is here to elaborate on those. I've compiled
all the Power Cells that I felt were difficult to obtain to the average eight
year old. Basically, I covered the ones that take more than reflexes to 
acquire. If I've missed any that YOU were having trouble with, please feel 
free to tell me so I can laugh at  you and then add it to the guide. Ok, so I
won't laugh at you. I'll only question your brain's capabilities.


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