
Grand Theft Auto 3 - The Rhino Tank FAQ
Version 1.5
Auteur: Matthew Rorie
Email: see end of document
Date: April 23, 2002
Website: www.matthewrorie.com
Website: www.stratosgroup.com

1. Introduction
2. What Is The Rhino?
3. Methods of Acquirement
4. Reader Submissions
5. Gameplay Notes
6. Mission Walkthroughs (missions that are easier with the Tank)
7. Miscellaneous Notes Of Interest
8. Acknowledgements
9. Misc. Junk


1.5 - Apr. 23, 2002

Grand Theft Auto 3 - The Game That Would Not Die!!!

I noticed today that GTA3 has again reached the #1 spot on the GameFAQs list,
something like six months after its release. It seemed like a good time to
revisit this old document and clean it up for posterity. It's apparent that the
game has some legs, and I figured I might as well make the doc as concise and
usable as possible for all the people that are picking up GTA3 for the first
time, and those that will eventually get it on the PC and any other platforms
it reaches. To that end, I've changed the format a bit, edited and rewritten
portions of the text, and hopefully made the FAQ a little less messy. It was my
first one, after all, so I made a few mistakes I hope to rectify with this
revision. Think of it as "The Rhino Tank FAQ - The Special Edition" if that

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