

Title:         Eternal Ring
Genre:         3D First-Person Adventure RPG
Publisher:     From Software (Japan)
               Agetec (North America)
Platform:      Sony PlayStation 2
Media:         PlayStation 2 DVD
Release Date:  2000.03.04 (Japan)
               2000.10.26 (North America)
Catalog #:     SLPS-25001 (Japan)
               ????-????? (North America)
Price:         6800yen (Japan)
               $49.95 (North America)
Players:       1
Peripherals:   Dual Shock
               Dual Shock 2
               8MB Memory Card (100K)


Document Title:  Eternal Ring Walk-through Guide
       Version:  1.06
          Date:  Wednesday, 16 May 2001 (Tokyo Time)
        Author:  Joe Monson

I wrote this walk-through for the _Japanese_ edition of the game. Because 
of this, I may use different monster names, character names, area titles, 
and item names than those appearing in the North American edition. Some 
of the items in the Japanese version do not appear at all in the North 
American version. Please do not send me any messages telling me I used 
incorrect names for the items. 

I have basically finished the Japanese version walk-through, so I _may_ 
add info on the North American version, but only _after_ I play it 
myself. Please don't ask me for information about the North American 
release; I don't have it! (^_^;;

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Eternal Ring

Eternal Ring

From Software