
            Enter the Matrix Walkthrough For PS2

                        By DisTORteD


             As this is my first Walkthrough Please
                   Excuse the Crappyness of it.

Started FAQ on 19/05

Okay so you forked out the cash to buy this game got it home whacked 
it in and then started playing, first thing you may have noticed is it
is not the best game graphically, don't get me wrong it is a F**kin
schweet-arse game but it is buggy to hell. Well with that outta the way 
let's get back the walkthrough...

Okay I will start with the Easy stuff, on my part that is, by covering 
the stuff which requires the least amount of Description... then you 
can send me requests for the harder stuff in the end I hope to finish 
this whole thing, however I do have a job, along with other commitments 
so be patient. also I will only cover the Normal Playing mode for now.

By the Way I'm not gonna provide Controls... READ THE MANUAL!!!

On the Other hand I will try to provide a list of Special Moves later... 
But don't hold your Breath!!!

Also Ghost is longer to play than Niobe and he has more fights and stuff.
I played as Ghost first so I'll start with him.

Personal Times:
Ghost: 5H: 58M: 08S Finished on 17/05
Niobe: 3H: 46M: 08S Finished on 19/05

as you can see Niobe is Shorter and Easier.

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Weitere hilfreiche Artikel

Enter The Matrix

Shiny Entertainment
Action Adventure