
The Amplitude Compendium 
By: Jim Govoni, "cinder"


Main Entry: com�pen�di�um
Pronunciation: k&m-'pen-dE-&m
Date: 1589
1 : a brief summary of a larger work or of a field of knowledge

Version 1.0 - 9:02 PM 4/6/2003 - Changes: Finished everything up

I.  Introduction and Information
II.  Changes from Frequency
III.  Song List, Artist Info and Song Analysis 
      a. Neotropolis (Stage 1)
      b. Beat Factory (Stage 2)
      c. Metaclouds (Stage 3)
      d. Elektro Kore (Stage 4)
      e. Blastlands (Stage 5)
IV.  Single Player
V.  Multiplayer
      a. Regular Multiplayer
      b. Duel Mode
VI.  Powerups and Weapons
      a. Single Player
      b. Multiplayer
VII.  Online
      a. Regular Multiplayer
      b. Duel
      c. Ladder Ranking Information
      d. Remix Repository
VIII.  Remix Mode

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