
 |This FAQ is best Viewed with Worpad full screen at 800x600 resolution using|
 |Courier New 10pt and is best Printed with Worpad using Courier New 7pt.    |
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                         F A Q  /  S T R A T E G Y  G U I D E                 
                                 V e r s i o n  2 . 6                    
                      Written By AstroBlue (astroboyblue@aol.com)        


Worms is one of the best strategy games around, The reason why? cuteness,humour and the ability
to not taking itself to seriously. I've loved worms ever since the first WORMS came out on SNES, 
but W:A and W2 are much better and the sprites are less shitty looking. 

F I L E S -
I have created a wide range of User Files for use with the PC version.
Conor Chapman has also contributed the Quick Reference Chart.
If you want any of the following files put "FILE REQEUST" in the subject and state the files 
you want. All files will be zipped and need a unzipping program like Winzip or PKzip.
* Roper Training Pack   9KB (4 Terrains to practice roping on)
* Flag Pack             4KB (8 Flags)
* Grave Pack           11KB (16 Graves)
* Weapon Shortcuts     61KB (A Printable Quick Reference Chart in Rich Text Format)
* Evangelion Terrain  170KB (Eva01 fighting an Angel)
* Reference Chart      88KB (Weapon Shortcuts,WormNET Lingo & Ranks in Windows Bitmap Format)
For other Files (Not created by me) go to The Official Worms Site (worms.team17.com)

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Worms Armageddon

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Team17 Software