
                  This document Copyright � 2000 Nemesis�. All rights reserved.

                                       Vanishing Point�
                                  {Car Specifications Guide}
                                     Platform: Dreamcast�
                                         Version 1.00
                                   Brett "Nemesis" Franklin
                                 E-Mail: nemesis@flipmode.com
                           My website: http://nemmysresource.cjb.net

                              T A B L E   O F   C O N T E N T S
               01. Introduction                   03. Updates / Revision History

               02. Legal Stuff                    04. Car Specifications Guide


01. Introduction


This FAQ is for use for Vanishing Point for the Sega Dreamcast. Vanishing
Point is a new racer for the Dreamcast, and it's very fun to play, especially
if you like arcade (or even sim) racers. The control can either be great or
very poor. Towards the beginning of the game, the 2 cars that you are able
to use handle very poorly, and they slide around like they're riding on
oil-based tires. Yeah, it's terrible. But if you can learn to control these
monsters (just don't oversteer), then you'll be winning races, and winning
better cars, as well as tracks, movies, and other secrets. Highly recommended.

This Car Specifications Guide will list every car in the game, along with
their own specific specifications (Top Speed, Acceleration, etc.) This guide

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