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                      ( title art by Hoang Nguyen )
   [ game title ]       marvel vs. capcom 2 ~new age of heroes~ faq
   [ revision # ]     FINAL revision released on: july eleventh, 2000
   [   system   ]     japanese sega dreamcast and usa arcade versions
   [   author   ]     chris macdonald   [ e-mail: kmegura@yahoo.com ]
   [ updates at ]     latest version at i.am/kao  /  www.gamefaqs.com

 Unpublished work Copyright 2000 Chris MacDonald

 This FAQ and everything included within this file cannot be reproduced
 in any way, shape or form (physical, electronical, or otherwise) aside
 from being placed on a freely-accessible, non-commercial web page in
 it's original, unedited and unaltered format.  This FAQ cannot be used
 for profitable purposes (even if no money would be made from selling it)

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