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					      By: John "Taro" Kadonoff

					     	Version: 1.0
                    Date April 30, 2001
                    email address: macman@accessv.com

The true arcade version finally comes home with many, many improvements!
This guide uses M/PH, if you have the japanese version of the game, you
will be in KM/PH, to convert my guide to KM/PH, divide the speed by
0.625. So, for example, 200 MP/H would be 320 KM/PH. (200 / 0.625)

Version History
0.1 - Inital Release
0.2 - Added some grammar fixes, changed a bit of misprinted information,
added some track walkthroughs and modes of play info.
1.0 - All track walkthroughs are done, as well I filled out the car
information a bit.

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Daytona USA 2001

Daytona USA 2001

Amusement Vision